New Aqua Control Plus

X-raypad QuestionsCatégorie: Custom MatsNew Aqua Control Plus
littlej0e demandée il y a 4 ans

Do you offer customized versions of the ROB Strata Aqua Control Plus?:
Just want to make sure I can get a custom version with the new updated coating on the Strata ROB Strata.

littlej0e répondue il y a 4 ans

In other words, I’m looking for the exact same coating as the ROB Strata on a custom version

littlej0e répondue il y a 4 ans

looking for the exact opposite:) According to your website, the ROB Strata version comes with a new coating:

It says: « It’s upgrade version of black Aqua control plus, with coating added for speed up and more stopping power! »

Do you offer the added coating on custom versions of the aqua control plus?

Holly Kwang personnel répondue il y a 4 ans

What’s custom version? Do you need the ROB Strata desgin on other mousepad materials?

2 Réponses
Michael personnel répondue il y a 4 ans

No problem, just leave your information at order notes on check out page.

littlej0e répondue il y a 4 ans

Perfect! Thank you!

Michael personnel répondue il y a 4 ans

The difference between the black and ROB, it’s because the ROB was added two different surface treatments: 1, image ink coating hot transfer on the surface from paper, 2, high temperature press the surface when printing. The black does not like that, which is made by the black fabric. So the custom printing mouse pad will have same process as the ROB.

rahim215 répondue il y a 4 ans

So on the website it says the difference between the black and ROB is that the ROB has a coating that is « added for speed up and more stopping power. » And you are saying the custom Aqua control with an image will have the same coating as the ROB. So if that is correct, can I order a big size custom image aqua control plus with just an image that is just black?