Is there AC+ Strata customs? Also is there other x ray pads, close to the AC+ Strata feel, but slightly faster?

X-raypad QuestionsCatégorie: Other questionsIs there AC+ Strata customs? Also is there other x ray pads, close to the AC+ Strata feel, but slightly faster?
Lek demandée il y a 3 ans

Hi, I was reading an other forum topic, talking about the AC + customs, and so apparently, they are the same as a white AC+.
So i was wondering, is there a way to get a custom AC+ but with the strata caracteristics.
I heard, and that might be wrong, that the AC+ white feels slightly slower than AC+ strata.
And since the only thing I might criticize on the AC+ Strata is that it feels slightly too slow for me, (even if it is in any other aspects perfect for my needs), i really don’t think AC+ white would fit in my hands.
If you have also any other recommandations of other x ray pads that you think would fit in that description, I’d be happy to learn a bit more about em (even if they are not available in custom order).
Love you x ray team, you rock.

3 Réponses
Michael personnel répondue il y a 3 ans

Hi, AC + customs is same as the AC+ ROB, AC+ FLY. You can try the AC+ black, which will be faster a little than the white one.

Lek répondue il y a 3 ans

Thank you a lot, so the difference i\’ve heard between the ac+ white and strata rob is just due to like the individual product itself?

Lek répondue il y a 3 ans

Oh and also, ac+ white is not coated right? From what i see on the product page it is not, but i heard some stuffs about a ac+ coated so, i just want to be sure!