I wouldnt recommend to machine wash your ac+

X-raypad QuestionsCatégorie: Other questionsI wouldnt recommend to machine wash your ac+
Lek demandée il y a 3 ans

Well it’s just a little warning for anyone who thought about machine washing his ac+ : don’t.
It’s probably fine with small ac+, or if you have a really big machine, but in my case, my 600*400 ac+ didnt end up well 😡
The problem is that in the washing process, it ended up being folded on itself, and the mousepad didnt appreciate that apparently, it’s now slightly bended from left to right side on the middle of it. It don’t totally ruins the mousepad, but you definitely feel it when playing, there’s a lot more friction when you slide on this part.

So yeah, unless your washing machine is large enough to make sure your mouse pad will never get bended, dont.
Also, if you have any suggestion on how save that, ill be glad to listen to it !

1 Réponses
Michael personnel répondue il y a 3 ans

Hi, thanks for your information. So machine washing is not recommended