6ft Table Mat – Picture

X-raypad QuestionsCatégorie: Artwork6ft Table Mat – Picture
JM demandée il y a 4 ans

I’m looking to get a custom 6′ x 2.5′ x 2mm table sized playmat made. I haven;t decided on the art yet, but am looking to just upload a picture from the web. 
I know the picture should have proportionate dimensions (rectangular), but are there any parameters of the picture that I need to look for. I’d like it to come out highest quality as possible so I’m wondering if picture quality will affect the product. Is there a minimum resolution and pixel count?

Holly Kwang personnel répondue il y a 4 ans

The picture should be more than 100dpi, 7200×3000 pixel. But for the large playmat, we produce via UV printing. Is it good for you?